The BlueInk Reviews
The US Review of Books is a US-based contemporary book review publication run by professional reviewers and editors. The publishing media largely ignore a significant percentage of the books published annually.
The BlueInk Reviews
BlueInk Review is the premier source for book reviews for self-publishing authors. Founded in 2010 to fill the void of credible, professional book reviews for independent authors, they have since reviewed more than 6,000 titles and earned the respect of the indie community. They are now a go-to site for reviews and information about self-publishing. had over 60,000 unique visitors last year. This is a highly targeted niche market that allows you to reach prime customers.
What you get:
- A professional and unbiased review from BlueInk.
- Your Review will be posted on Blueink Website.
- Professionally crafted Query Letter done by a Literary Agent/Screenwriter.
- 10 Submissions of the Query Letter to Traditional Publishing Companies and Literary Agents.
Product reviews are arguably the most useful way to eliminate shoppers’ concerns regarding a product. Product reviews influence a majority of people in their purchases.
Whether you are a famous brand or just started, product reviews play a crucial role in your bookselling as far as credibility is concerned. Credibility is one of the key elements that decide the success of your book in the long run.
The fact is that 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. And 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
What you get:
Guaranteed 20 Reviews from Book Readers, Book Enthusiasts, Critics, and Experts
Reviews posted on Barnes & Noble and Goodreads
Reviews posted on LitPrime Website
Reviews can be posted on your personal website
60-second Book Trailer featuring your book reviews
Reasons Why Online Reviews are important:
Social Proof Drives Purchases
They Make You More Visible
They Make You Look Trustworthy
They Expand the Conversation About You
They Are Increasingly Essential to Decision Making
They Have a Clear Impact on Sales
They Give You An Open Line to Consumers
What is Goodreads?
Goodreads is the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Its mission is to help people find and share books they love.
What is Barnes & Noble?
Barnes & Noble Booksellers is an American bookseller. It is a Fortune 1000 company and the bookseller with the most significant number of retail outlets in the United States.
What you get:
- Guaranteed 10 Reviews from Book Readers, Book Enthusiasts, Critics, and Experts
- Reviews posted on Barnes & Noble and Goodreads
- Reviews posted on LitPrime Website
- Reviews can be posted on your personal website
- 60-second Book Trailer featuring your book reviews