The BlueInk Reviews

The US Review of Books is a US-based contemporary book review publication run by professional reviewers and editors. The publishing media largely ignore a significant percentage of the books published annually.

The BlueInk Reviews

BlueInk Review is the premier source for book reviews for self-publishing authors. Founded in 2010 to fill the void of credible, professional book reviews for independent authors, they have since reviewed more than 6,000 titles and earned the respect of the indie community. They are now a go-to site for reviews and information about self-publishing. had over 60,000 unique visitors last year. This is a highly targeted niche market that allows you to reach prime customers.

What you get: ​
  • A professional and unbiased review from BlueInk.
  • Your Review will be posted on Blueink Website.
  • Professionally crafted Query Letter done by a Literary Agent/Screenwriter.
  • 10 Submissions of the Query Letter to Traditional Publishing Companies and Literary Agents.

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