Ingram and Library
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Published monthly and distributed five weeks prior to the issue month, Advance is a comprehensive title listing and purchasing tool. Included are hardcover, trade paper, audiobook, gifts & games, and mass market titles.
Circulation: 7,000 top U.S. booksellers and librarians; and in PDF format to over 27,000 international and domestic customers.
Ingram and Library Marketing
What you get:
Ingram and Library Marketing (50 Librarians)
- Ad on Ingram’s Advance Catalog
- Query Letter addressed and sent to 50 Librarians
Note: 50 Physical Copies of your book to be sent to 50 Universities
Ingram and Library Marketing (25 Librarians)
- Ad on Ingram’s Advance Catalog
- Query Letter addressed and sent to 25 Librarians
Note: 25 Physical Copies of your book to be sent to 25 Universities
Ingram and Library Marketing (10 Librarians)
- Ad on Ingram’s Advance Catalog
- Query Letter addressed and sent to 10 Librarians
Note: 10 Physical Copies of your book to be sent to 10 Universities
Please note: This publication is English language only. All annotation orders should be submitted using English language promotional copy. Any orders not submitted using English language promotional copy will be automatically translated and may not read as originally intended. *Annotations may run up to four months after purchase date.
Note: This service can only be offered to authors who published their books with LitPrime Publishing.