Traditional Publishing Outreach Services

Literary Outreach

Query letters are an entire “subspecialty” in the process of trying to sell a manuscript. This sales aid is an aspiring author’s most important tool as it means the difference between agents and editors taking time to look at your work or ignoring it.

Whether you work on magazine articles, nonfiction, or novels, you must be able to write query letters to literary agents or acquisitions editors that generate excitement and result in an invitation to submit your work.

“Work as hard on your query letter as you do on your manuscript. The query letter is your one shot to be noticed. Make it perfect. Make it businesslike and avoid cuteness. Personalize the letter by including a line regarding books the agent has handled. Include only information that is relevant to your book. Be able to categorize your book without equivocation.” E. L. Wyrick – Power in the Blood

Literary Outreach

  • Professionally crafted Query Letter done by a Literary Agent/Screenwriter
  • Submission of the Query Letter to Traditional Publishing Companies and Literary Agents
  • Feedback and Report after the campaign

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Options:

10 Submissions

15 Submissions

<span data-buffer="">20 Submissions<span data-metadata="">

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