The Adventures of a Leolian Elf is a simple tale of a faithful elf who is imprisoned for his ugliness. Dondobee or The Adventures of a Leolian Elf opens with introducing us to Coal, a dirty little urchin living in a black back alley and his invention of a unique musical instrument. An instrument through which he mastered such a melodious tune that all the birds and animals came to listen.One fine night his melody attracted two Leolian Elves who lived nearby. They danced and danced and danced. And came into an agreement with Coal, to be at his service for a lifetime in return of him playing them the music. This tale is about their son, Dondobee, the little Leolian elf, and his adventures in the castle. For how they manage to do that, you will have to read the story of DONDOBEE and go along with him on his adventures.